
Ten Things Everyone Misunderstands About The Word "Key Cutting Be…

Maryanne Magrath
2023.08.12 08:32 37 0


Key Cutting - Why You Should Use a Professional Key Cutting Service

Key cutting is a process that everyone requires at some point, and it must be fast efficient, precise, and accurate. A professional can duplicate a standard key in less than 30 seconds.

The software is computer-driven, and you'll spend the majority of your time telling it what to do. Popular models include the Silca Futura Edge and Pro machines as well as the Keyline Gymkana and Laser Key Products 3D Extreme.


A key duplication service is an essential service for anyone who needs to give spare keys to family members or friends. The process of duplicating a key is quick and effective and provides the highest level of accuracy. This is crucial since it ensures that the new keys function properly and lock replacements becontree won't be easily rekeyed by an intruder.

The majority of key duplicate services rely on a device known as a key duplicater. The original key is put into an elongated vice on one side of the machine, and a blank is inserted in the other. Then, the key guide (or alignment tool) is used to align the keys and ensure that they are in line with one another. The keys are then cut with a blade, and then the new key is deburred - scrubbed with wire brushes (built in the machine or on a separate bench grinder) to remove any burrs that could cause the lock to fail.

Smart locks are available through certain key duplication companies. They remove the requirement for traditional keys and can be controlled remotely through an app for mobile devices. They are becoming more popular because they provide more security than traditional lock systems and eliminate the need for expensive maintenance.

Speed up

If you're looking to increase the speed of your key duplication process, you should consider investing in a high-security machine that can decode keys and cut them with code. These machines are more expensive but they will let you earn more money by cutting higher-security keys like cruciform and tubular keys.

Typically keys are inserted in one end of the duplicator. A blank is inserted into the other. The original key will be moved along a guide, and the blank moved against the cutting blade. The new key is then deburred by using a wire scrubber (built into the machine, or a bench grinder) to remove burrs that would be sharp enough to cause danger.

Certain key duplicators have various adapters that are designed for specific types of keys. These are tiny pieces of metal that fit into the keyway so that the original key is aligned with the blade during the copying process.


Many people like to have spare keys for their cars, homes, or office. They can then keep the original key safe and use it whenever needed. A spare key can help preserve the original which could be damaged by repeated use. It is easier to have keys made by a professional rather than trying to make them yourself.

The process of key duplication is usually done with the help of a key cutting machine. The key that will be duplicated is inserted into the machine and is aligned with the blade (or cutting tool). The blank key is then positioned on the other side of the machine. A guide, or Lock replacements double glazing becontree - Api25.Net, alignment bar, ensures that the two keys are level with one another. The machine then cuts the original key to create a new blank, and the blank is deburred. scrubbed with a wire brush built into the key cutting machine or a bench grinder to remove burrs that could pose a risk to use and further contaminate locks.

It is crucial to understand that standard key duplication services cannot cut all kinds of keys. For instance, proximity keys and electronic key fobs require special equipment to cut. It is best to inquire with the company that cuts keys if they can produce the kind of key you require prior to deciding.


The key to the success of a key cutting service is accuracy. Since everyone doesn't want to deal with the hassle of the purchase of a new key that doesn't fit into their lock replacements sliding doors becontree (visit my web page) or is damaged when they use it. It's important to find a professional locksmith who has the proper training and tools. It is also important to have high precision when cutting keys. This ensures that the key cuts are precise and don't interfere with the door locks becontree. The service should be available by a key cutter who has a good reputation. It is therefore best to bring your keys to a professional rather than purchasing a cheap copy at the big-box store.

Decoding the original key with a key gauge is the first step double glazing in becontree achieving precise key duplicate. This will help you determine the depths of each notch. This is crucial when you are making copies of a high security key. You can then cut the key by using punching machines, like the Silca Futura Edge or Pro Machines or lock Replacements Becontree the Pro-Lok Blue Punch. These machines are highly reliable and easy to use and are able to cut various types of keys.

For more complicated keys, you may be interested in an expert duplicator that comes with a decoding probe and automatic calibration. This allows the machine to detect not only depths, but also angles. This means that your keys will be always cut correctly. This is because the cuts are essential for aligning the pins within the lock and turning the key.

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